Opava, northern bypass – western part
Road and Motorway Directorate of the Czech Republic

Opava, northern bypass
western part

The construction of the S1 link connecting the I/11 and I/56 roads was completed in 2009. In 2019, the eastern part of the northern bypass was also completed and now it is time to build its western part. The northern bypass of Opava will contribute to improving the safety of all road users. At the same time, the negative impact on traffic of the roads in surrounding area will be significantly reduced.

Current gallery

Purpose of construction

The relocation of the I/11 road to the position of the northern bypass will divert transit traffic and relieve the central part of Opava.

Construction data

Main route

length: 5129 m
category: S 11,5/80 (90)
number of all buildings: 78

Bridge structures

on the road I/11: 6
on other roads: 2
total length of bridges: 951 m


OK roads I/11 and I/57
Interchange of roads I/11 and III/01129

Retaining and retaining walls

Number: 1

Noise barriers

Number: 2

Modifications to other roads

Class I roads: 4 (length: 892 m)
Class III roads: 1 (length: 782 m)
Local roads: 3 (length: 1129 m)
special purpose roads: 7 (length: 4466 m)
dirt roads: 3 (length: 767 m)

Total volume of earthworks

excavations: 69 170 m3
embankments: 493 560 m3

Construction name

I/11 Opava, northern bypass – western part

Place of construction

Moravian-Silesian Region

Cadastral territory

Vávrovice, Palhanec, Jaktař, Kateřinky u Opava

Type of construction

new building


Road and Motorway Directorate of the Czech Republic

Provider VD-ZDS

MORAVA – RD contracts of smaller scope


Company Opava, MTS DS – MTS Infra (Company Manager / Partner 1: Metrostav Infrastructure a.s., Partner 2: Metrostav DS a.s.)

Estimated construction price

CZK 1 194 000 000 (excluding VAT)

Construction price according to the contract

CZK 994,162,520 (excluding VAT)
Recommended /proposed for co-financing from EU funds

Traffic significance

The existing I/11 road runs through the centre of Opava, which is causes significant problems due to heavy traffic which is predicted to further grow. To solve this, the construction of the S1 link road connecting the I/11 and I/56 roads was successfully accomplished in 2009. The eastern part of the northern bypass was completed in 2019. The western part of the northern bypass is at a high level of readiness.

The existing road system of Opava is characterised by its fan-shaped layout. The backbone roads of this system are the existing roads I/11, I/46, I/56, I/57 and II/464, which in their current layout direct all transit traffic to the city centre. The incomplete inner city ring road distributes transit traffic between the above-mentioned roads.

This causes that the capacity of the ring road is almost exhausted, causing undesirable congestion and a very significant negative impact on the environment of the central part of the city.

For the above-mentioned reasons, a solution to this situation is being discussed. Transit traffic should be diverted to the S1 link and the northern bypass. Together with the S1 link, the eastern part of the northern bypass is a key step towards moving transit traffic out of the centre of Opava. Given the growing traffic complications in the central part of the city, both constructions must be considered a priority. The northern bypass of Opava will result to increasing safety of all road users. At the same time, the negative impact of the traffic on the surrounding area of the already existing roads will be significantly reduced.

Location and description

The beginning of the I/11 road construction is located at the roundabout intersection with the existing I/11 road. The south-western bypass of Opava will be connected to this intersection. The route of the I/11 road is routed on open ground to the roundabout with the I/57 road. A climbing lane/ascent line will be built between the junctions in the direction of Bruntál. The original version involved a direct continuation of I/11 in the direction of Bruntál. In a meantime, the idea of ringing the backbone bypass roads also in the southern and south-western segment of the city was developed – in 2008, a study of the south-western bypass was prepared, which should take the I/57 road out of the central part of the city. This study already addressed the direct connection of I/11 and I/57 to the southwest bypass.

A 55 m diameter roundabout is proposed with I/57 road. The I/57 road will be relocated in a length of 699 m in category S 11.5/80. After crossing the railway line, it passes through the Moravian-Silesian Sugar Mills complex, crosses Vávrovická Street and the siding of the Herber Mill, and runs through the Opava River floodplain with the mill embankment near the Palhanecká studny water source.

It runs through open ground until the end of the alignment, which is located at the beginning of the alignment of the eastern part of the northern bypass. The route of the western part of the northern bypass is connected to the previous section with the completion of the off-grade intersection of the bypass with the road III/01129, Mostní Street and other adjacent roads.

Roads I/11 and l/57 are designed in category S 11,5/80 in the length from the beginning of the development to the roundabout. From the boundary of the roundabout I/11 x I/57, a northern bypass is proposed in width category S 22,5/100. The route of the northern bypass has the required design category S 22,5/100, which will be built after 2030. Until then, the right half of the future category will be implemented as S 11.5/80. The total length of the I/11 bypass is 5129 m, of which 1001 m is the connection between I/11 and I/57 (km -0.020 to 0.981). The length of the main route is 3,866 m (km 1.263 to 5.129).

A substantial part of the route is on open terrain. At the ends of the alignment, the directional and elevation solution is determined by the connection to the existing roads or to the eastern part of the northern bypass (opened in 12/2019).

Limiting elements are the crossings with the railway line, railway siding, industrial and business premises and environmentally protected sites. Beyond the crossing of Vávrovická Street, the route runs through the floodplain of the Opava River, crosses the river or the Mlýnský náhon and bypasses the water source of the Palhanecké studny. The preservation of the HV line was also essential for the design of the route.

The connection between the I/11 and I/57 is routed through open terrain, where the limiting element is the local biocentre and biocorridor.

Silnice I/11

Covering message

Accompanying report 190028, I / 11 Opava, northern bypass – western part, you can download in the form of a PDF document.


Construction visualization


Příprava stavby ve stupni DSP byla koordinována se stavbou SŽDC „Revitalizace trati Opava-východ – Olomouc hl. n. K počátku ledna 2020 byla vydána všechna pravomocná SP. V roce 2019 byla zahájena příprava území pro realizaci stavby. V březnu 2019 byla pokácena zeleň, v září 2019 proběhla demolice objektů Moravskoslezských cukrovarů (ubytovna a sklad), v květnu 2020 byly ukončeny práce na stavebních objektech v areálu cukrovaru SO 001 Příprava území, SO 131 Přeložka účelové komunikace, SO 132 Náhradní zpevněná plocha, SO 433 Přeložka napájení brány parkoviště, SO 464 Ochrana sdělovacích kabelů, SO 701 Přeložky a úpravy oplocení. Dále proběhly zemní práce, záchranný archeologický výzkum a pyrotechnický průzkum.

V prosinci 2019 bylo vypsáno výběrové řízení na zhotovitele stavby. K podpisu smlouvy s vítězným uchazečem došlo 19. 8. 2020. Předání staveniště proběhlo 16. 9. 2020. Délka výstavby je plánovaná na 36 měsíců. Slavnostní zahájení stavby se uskutečnilo 30. 9. 2020. Předpoklad zprovoznění stavby je v září 2023.



september 2020

Start of construction

december 2019

Announcement of the tender procedure

december 2018

Issuance of a building permit

july 2015

Issuance of a zoning decision

february 2015

Approval of the project proposal

april 2008

EIA statement


Provádíme průběžný monitoring celé stavby. V galerii máte možnost sledovat jednotlivé fáze výstavby tak, jak je zachytily objektivy našich kamer a fotoaparátů.

Situation drawings

Situační výkres širších vztahů

C01 Situační výkres širších vztahů | Road I/11 | Opava, northern bypass – western part
C01 Situační výkres širších vztahů
C03.1 Koordinační katastr, část 1 | Road I/11 | Opava, northern bypass – western part
C03.1 Koordinační katastr, část 1
C03.2 Koordinační katastr, část 2 | Road I/11 | Opava, northern bypass – western part
C03.2 Koordinační katastr, část 2
C03.3 Koordinační katastr, část 3 | Road I/11 | Opava, northern bypass – western part
C03.3 Koordinační katastr, část 3
C03.4 Koordinační katastr, část 4 | Road I/11 | Opava, northern bypass – western part
C03.4 Koordinační katastr, část 4

The content of this website presents information provided by the Road and Motorway Directorate of the Czech Republic (ŘSD ČR), design, consulting, and construction companies. All rights of the copyright owners are reserved. All information in the form of photographs, animations, visualizations, film materials and texts published on this website are permitted for internal use only. This restriction precludes the use of this information for any public production, television distribution, copying, rental, lending, sale by unauthorized persons, etc. Infringement of copyright is a criminal offence for which the offender may be punished by imprisonment of up to 5 years and a fine of up to 5,000,000 CZK. If any legal or natural person is interested in using this information in a way other than the permitted way, he/she is obliged to officially request the consent of the copyright owner, i.e. ŘSD ČR at the e-mail address posta@rsd.cz.